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We Wonder

Updated: Jul 29, 2021

During our most recent trip to Israel in March, God placed something very serious on Gary and Ingrid’s hearts. While deepening our faith in the Holy Land, while leading a great bunch of believers, while exploring historical sites of scriptural significance, and while studying God’s Word, we wondered.

  • We wondered ... have the veteran laborers in foreign fields that we work with year-round ever had the opportunity to visit the Holy Land?

  • We wondered ... would the obedient workers in closed countries benefit from a spiritual rejuvenation by walking where Jesus walked?

  • We wondered ... have the dedicated men and women who have translated HIS Word for over 25 years into multiple languages ever toured the land where the Story began?

  • We wondered ... will God provide financially for His faithful servants to experience this trip of a lifetime through the generosity of others?

  • We wondered ... what blessings will God pour out for those that bless others in this special way?

  • We wondered ... what mighty work would God do in these workers’s hearts in His land, where He lived, died, and arose?

Instead of wondering any longer, we are obediently stepping out in faith to plan for a spiritual rejuvenation and educational trip for those workers who have given their all, in places that most would not venture, to share His Good News with the lost.

Will you help? Will you partner with us to make this a reality?

Will you help place a translator of God’s Word on the Teaching Steps? Will you support veteran Orality trainers to be the very coast where He multiplied the fish to feed the thousands? Will you allow those who have dedicated their lives to serving Him, to stand in the very dungeon room where the Savior spent His last hours on Earth?

You can help send those who already have said “Send me!” With your financial support, those who have been called will be equipped for a once in lifetime trip to the Holy Land.

Are you now wondering too? We wait with expectation to see God move. Because when we wonder about God honoring things, He always does abundantly more!

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