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Immeasurably More

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."

– Ephesians 3:20-21

View our Immeasurably More booklet above
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Immeasurably More
funds raised so far:

THANK YOU so much for your support!


A BOLD VISION to bring the hope of Christ - Everywhere. Everyday. To Everyone.

Please prayerfully consider your most generous contribution to

Immeasurably More, and be a part of life-saving, life-giving work.

Ways to Give

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER for Gifts options outlined in this material 

As always, before completing any charitable gift, Global Missions 365 (GM365) and all of its representatives would recommend each giver complete a specific gift review with their trusted tax planning advisor to be sure their personal income, tax, financial goals are being met and exceeded. GM365 and our representatives are not tax planning professionals and provide these details as general information only. 


Global Missions 365 is available to discuss and review your possible gift options surrounding our on-going global partnerships for Christ. We want to be sure you know we are here to extend ourselves to help you and your advisors with any of your gift planning questions.  We want to maximize each resource you provide for His Gospel to be shared to the lost and growing disciples through GM365.


The following are a few of the many gift options available. Please contact us to partner with you and your advisors in identifying the most beneficial option for your specific circumstances.



Would you consider your legacy through a planned gift for GM365? Your legacy gift can take many forms, including leaving GM365 in your will or living trust, lifetime income gifts, and more. Once we have reviewed the possible gift options to suit your charitable interest, we encourage you share these details with your planners and other resources groups like the Florida Baptist Foundation. We would appreciate the opportunity to speak to you toward establishing a lasting family legacy.

Contact us



Giving does not have to be limited to outright cash gifts. Benefiting kingdom impact could include gift options you may have never considered before, today. Please reach out to discuss the “how” to impact others with the Gospel through non-cash assets.

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Completing a gift of stock is a simple and powerful way to support the work of GM365 and its partnerships. Your donation of appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds could offer you a number of financial benefits including, upon the completing of the gift, the possible deductibility of the current value of the asset and potential avoidance of paying capital gains. Please note – gifts of appreciated assets must be long-term holdings for claiming the fair market value as deductible; long-term defined as ownership for one year or longer. In partnership with the Florida Baptist Foundation, GM365 is prepared to accept gifts of appreciated securities.


(1) Make the transfer

We can provide you the asset transfer instructions with the Florida Baptist Foundation upon request along their Donor Intention Letter needing to be completed and faxed to their office prior to notifying your broker.

Contact us


Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from Individual Retirement Account (IRA) 

if you, or someone you know, is 70 1/2 or older and owner of any type of IRA, you may be able complete a QCD through your IRA. These distributions are completed by instruct to your IRA Custodian with distribution being payable and mailed to directly GM365. The annual limit of these QCD is $100,000 per owner. The key administrative requirement is the distribution check must be made payable directly to the charity.

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